Raptor ZW08 also known as “Rapterrix” in the Zoids Wild Anime, is a small infantry velociraptor type Zoid used by the Death Metal Empire.
 This Zoid was released by both Takara Tomy (in 2018), and later by Hasbro (in 2020) via the Hasbro Pulse online store.
Continuing the compare and contrast reviews (Wild Liger).

The packaging is vastly different with Hasbro utilizing a "window" to display
select pieces of the kit. Hasbro also opted for a hang tag box while the TT release is more traditionally shaped. Although box art on each release pictures the Raptor, the Hasbro art features an Anime accurate pilot. Let’s take a closer look and build these beasts.

TT has the pieces separated into 3 labeled bags main part, armor, and accessories. Hasbro uses a perforated 3rd bag to further separate the accessories.
 TT also makes use of a "parts layout sheet" where each part can be placed on the sheet for easy reference when building. Hasbro opted for a symbol stamped into the pieces and relies on a match the symbol as pictured type of building format.
 I vastly prefer the TT approach.


Both builds begin with cranial assembly. TT has opted for a stand alone eye piece that is placed into the upper cranium. This eye piece is finished in a pearl gloss, and really captures an "optical appearance". Hasbro's eyes are directly built into the upper cranium, and appear very flat and dull.

Body half is placed and engine is seated.


Opposite body half placed.

Construction starts on the leg with Hasbro.

Next we get a first look at the caps. Hasbro is much brighter.

Opposite leg is then assembled.

Now free standing the tail assembly begins.

A familiar raptor Zoid feature! The wind key is mounted.

The skeletal frame is now complete.

Armor placement begins.



With the build complete, we take a look at the pilots. Hasbro features the Anime accurate pilot that is sculpted and colored, a stark contrast with the generic translucent TT pilot. TT features a small sticker sheet that is absent in the Hasbro version.


With the pilots seated and stickers applied on the TT version the build is complete.



The colors on these kit vary greatly. With the Hasbro version edging out the TT version for me. The red is far lighter and contrasts sharply against the black body.
 TT 's grey color scheme lacks the depth of the Hasbro version, and just feels "muted" overall. Raptor is a great small wind up kit,
 and when the scorpion like tail is moved forward the mouth opens.
 I like the look of this Zoid and believe it does pretty damn good representing a dromaeosaurid. A great addition to any collection, and an excellent introduction to the line.


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2024 Zoid.US