I had the opportunity to visit Albuquerque's Museum of Natural History and, with some prior plotting, I loaded up the dual stroller, some snacks, and (of course) Dead Border. I had read some glowing reviews about their exhibits, and thought it might make an interesting study to bring my favorite Zoid in anticipation of some unique photo opportunities. 

Contrary to first impressions, Dead Border is not a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but rather a Tarbosaurus which is classified as a separate genus. When Tarbosaurus fossils were first discovered in the Gobi Desert (Mongolia) they initially were thought to have been a new species of the infamous Tyrannosaurus, as both were voracious carnivores with a plethora of razor sharp teeth. Recently, paleontologists have discovered numerous differences between these two beasts. Tarbosaurus had even smaller forearms that Tyrannosaurus, and a different jaw structure. Perhaps the largest distinction is geographical location. 

Although both are Tyrannosaurs, no remains of Tarbosaurus have been discovered outside of Asia. Studies are still in progress and, from what I have read, the jury is still out on the specific taxonomy. The possibility of Tarbosaurus crossing the Siberian land bridge and giving rise to the North American Tyrannosaurus is a distinct possibility. Needless to say I did not find a Tarbosaurus specimen to take pictures with, but I came pretty damn close with the massive center court located Tyrannosaurus the museum did have.

In true fanboy fashion, I positioned Dead Border in every way I possibly could and snapped away. While in process of making an ass of myself one young soul did come up to enthusiastically ask me "What is that?" I gave a short description of the Zoids line and the young fellow handled Dead Border for a few minutes before being retrieved by his mother. (Hopefully I did my part in inspiring a new Zoider that morning.) Enjoy the following www.ZOID.us special feature: Zoids at the Museum.

Below: The impressive full scale T. Rex not far beyond the entrance.

Below: Dead Border and T Rex.

Below: Scale comparison. 

Below: T Rex. bad assness.

Below: Not the greatest picture, yet the only one I took at this angle.

Below: "Jaws".

Below:  "The Bisti Beast"

Continuing further into the Dinosaur exhibits I came across an enigma exhibit titled the "Bisti Beast".

After reading the caption I couldn't help but wonder what kind of association the Tarbosaurus could have had to the "Bisti Beast". I did get a few shots of Dead Border next to this specimen, yet it was more difficult as it was behind glass. Nevertheless, the photo study is a great comparison.

The next stop was a surprise that made me wish I had brought Proto Sabre.

Passing by an Elephander.

Leo Gator was but a short distance from the Mastodon exhibit. 

Viewing the second level of the museum made me wish that I had brought a few more actual Zoids. The Seismosaurus display prominently took up a vast area. Standing under the Seismosaurus that was locked in battle really brought scale into proportion. Yielding yet another big surprise was the informational tag beside the exhibit:

I was standing next to the exhibit that had actually been featured in Japan. Thoughts of the 2005 released Museum Expo Set rushed into my mind. Coincidence? Back to the Seismosaurus display, this animal was just awesome. The length of the tail alone demands so much respect it's hard to imagine this beast walking and the ground not shaking.

Last but not least, was a Dimetrodon. Interesting as not too much earlier in the month I got my hands on one of these:

Again, I was surprised that New Mexico was so rich in Dinosaur history. These interesting little tags that adorn each exhibit are all packed with some much information in such small captions.

Although smaller than I had envisioned Dimetrodon to be, the last display was still impressive, amazing, and awesome to compare to our hobby.

Zoid.US would like to thank the Albuquerque Natural History Museum for the amazing exhibits and permission to photograph their absolutely wonderful collection.

This has been a Zoid.US production. No image may be used without permission. 2009 -WIKD