Battle Rex

Art of Aki

Ultra Rare

Dead Border Build

A couple years ago an artist asked if he could help me out in my quest for my own personal Holy Grail. Long had he known about my efforts put in to locating the Battle Rex. We had traded previously and established a trusted frirndship, that I still treasure today.

Grimm studios or Art of Aki made this piece possible. We worked closely on every detail to get this project correct. From the totally orange chrome head cover to the steel grey chrome eyes residing underneath. It is probably the mosy beautiful toy that I have ever laid eyes on, and sometimes I find it hard to believe that it's actually mine.  

The box also has the logo, the grimm studioes logo, and all the official Tomy lingo. The box is lined with hard black paper, and is just a top notch creation and project in and of itself. It really has to be seen to be appreciated. The Battle Rex went together flawlessly with the chrome calculation more precise than I had ever experienced.

Phone: 0917-9590869 Email: "It's about business... It's about art... It's about life... ... and everything in-between." Chrome Battle Rex

This has been a Zoid.US production. No image may be used without permission. 2012 -WIKD